Smart ground spread software helps contractors to drive efficiencies
Agritech company Tabula says it is experiencing pleasing growth in the ground spread contractor market
despite a number of challenges facing the farming sector.
1 March 2024 - Agritech company Tabula says it is experiencing pleasing growth in the ground spread contractor market
despite a number of challenges facing the farming sector.
John Enlow, Tabula CEO says that an increasing number of contractors are working with TotalVision,
Tabula’s solution that gives contractors the information and the certainty they need, all while working
smarter, reducing admin, and streamlining health and safety.
“Despite the highest on-farm inflation costs in 40 years, as well as constraints on dairy and livestock
exports, and wild weather across the country, we have seen double digit growth in contractor hectares
using TotalVision, over the last two years.”
Since 2021 Tabula has seen across its customer base a:
12% increase in hectares applied, to reach 7.5 million hectares
9.5% increase in applied product
7% increase in kms travelled
“The robustness of the application volumes and quantity of jobs that Tabula has supported is impressive
and highlights the value of the ground spread sector.
“It also shows that while hectares have increased, applied product and kilometres travelled increased by a lesser amount.
“It shows the value that Tabula can bring to ground spreading contractors, driving efficiencies and
confidence about proof of placement.
“In a business where every dollar saved impacts the bottom line, these savings, however small, all add up.”
Founded in New Zealand in 2006, Tabula is a GPS guided proof of application and job management system that gives landowners and their contractors certainty. In 2023, Tabula supported around 7.5 million hectares of ground spread application across both islands, working with the majority of the ground spread industry. At Tabula’s core is easy and seamless mapping and tracking of fertiliser and spray application to precisely control what goes on the land.
Tabula is committed to continuous tech development across devices and software, and recently launched a ground spread controller that’s been well received by customers, and an enhanced tracking tools for larger fleets, says Enlow.
“We are very excited by the opportunity to extend our innovation partnerships, as part of our technology
and innovation roadmap with the ground spreading industry,” he says.
A dominant player in New Zealand and also active in Australia and the United States, Tabula is keen to
share insights from its work in other industries and countries, with New Zealand ground spreaders.
“Where relevant we’ll be bringing back intelligence to support our New Zealand customers in their
This article was originally published in GroundSpread, Autumn 2024 edition