Group Logistics
Charles Rosbach, the Managing Director of Group Logistics, leads a specialised vineyard contracting business based in the Adelaide Hills. When Charles founded Group Logistics, he decided from the outset that a job management system backed up with GPS tracking of their machinery was essential.
He explains, "We went to the market looking for something suitable and we found TracMap* ticked all the boxes for us. TracMap reduces the amount of time that we have to spend managing our machinery and our people. I can create a job, send it out to a tractor, and when the job is complete, I receive that data back. It gives me a map of what's been done for the day, and that's stored on a database. I can refer back to that information at any time in the future."
“ We've seen better management of our machinery and equipment, better contact with our staff, and most importantly, it's improved the bottom line.”
Charles highlights the benefits for his team: "It allows my tractor drivers to be able to see on screen in the cabin how much of the vineyard they've done and what they need to do to complete a task. It reduces the time I have to spend contacting our operators and finding out how jobs are going. I can simply look at the job as it's happening from my iPad or from my computer at work and determine how long the job has still got to run."
He adds, "I like TracMap because it makes my job easier. We're able to get a job from the office without going to the office or speaking to anyone at the office. We get to see how many hectares we've completed so far, how many hectares we've got to go, what speed we're going, and it's just really nice to be able to track myself around the vineyard."
Charles also praises the system's usability: "It's very easy to use the system, there are only a few buttons. There's also a really cool feature which is their five button box. It helps us to go through the vineyard and pick up any problems that we may have, like leaks in irrigation or wires that are broken."
He concludes, "We're able to locate all of those in the vineyard and go back to them another time, which makes it really easy for the office to know what's going on. After installing TracMap, we've seen better management of our machinery and equipment, better contact with our staff, and most importantly, it's improved the bottom line."
*TracMap has since rebranded to Tabula. The solution Group Logistics are using has evolved and is known today as GrowVision.
Group Logistics Pty Limited
Making the job easier and improving the bottom line